Upon approaching Tel-Aviv FIR, the pilot must establish initial radio communication contact with the relevant ACC unit for identification, and provide the Security Entry Code. The detailed identification procedures are stipulated in AIP Israel ENR.

Security Verification Procedure & Phraseology Brief
Note: In this briefing:
1.          ACID means Aircraft ID (CallSign).
2.          CONT means Security Controller.
3.          Figures in ITALIC mean variables.
4.          (Blue italic text in between parentheses means instructions for the pilot).
Tel Aviv Identification, ACID, we are 200 miles from Ben Gurion, Requesting Entry Clearance.
(Reporting the SQUAWK number will not be required for a flight providing the security entry code)
ACID Tel Aviv Identification Report Your Entry Code.
Tel Aviv Identification,  ACID , my code is ABC123 ( 6 characters )
ACID  Tel Aviv Identification, your Entry is Approved.
When the Security Controller could not clearly hear the code transmitted, he may ask:
ACID Tel Aviv Identification Say Again.
Tel Aviv Identification,  ACID, my code is ABC123 (6 characters)
(The pilot should repeat  Loud & Clear  the same code)
ACID  Tel Aviv Identification, your Entry is Approved.
When the validity of the transmitted entry code could not be verified, complementary identity authentication measures may be considered i.e. Alternative Credentials Questions and Answers filled-out by the pilot in his registration form (for Israeli licensed pilot) in the entry code submittal form (for non- Israeli licensed pilot).
ACID  Tel Aviv Identification, YOUR ENTRY CODE DOES NOT MATCH, Stand by for instructions.
                  Then :
ACID  Tel Aviv Identification Report your Nationality.
                  Then :
ACID  Tel Aviv Identification Report your Pilot License Number.
                  Then :
ACID  Tel Aviv Identification Report Your favorite color and Report your pet’s name.
Tel Aviv Identification, ACID, my favorite color is red and my pet's name is Pluto
ACID Tel Aviv Identification, your Entry IS Approved now
At every stage of the identification verification process Tel Aviv Identification may instruct that the entry of the aircraft into the TEL AVIV FIR is not approved, and the pilot will receive further instructions from Nicosia ACC or Tel Aviv ACC depends on the relevant airspace location.

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